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The 5 Advantages of Using FTZ For Your Business

The 5 Advantages of Using a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) For Your Business

Published on: July 30, 2024

Are you thinking about expanding your business internationally? Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) can be the secret weapon you need to dominate the global market. But what exactly are FTZs, and how can they benefit your business?  What is a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) and Why Does it Matter? An FTZ is a designated area within […]

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FTZs vs Traditional Warehousing

Finding the Perfect Fit: FTZs vs Traditional Warehousing Solutions for Your Business

Published on: July 16, 2024

Efficient storage and distribution are the backbone of any thriving business, regardless of its reach. This is where warehousing solutions come into play. By choosing the right warehousing option, you can streamline your operations, optimize your inventory management, and ultimately fuel your company’s success by boosting your bottom line. But with various options available, how […]

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Understanding FTZs: A Gateway to Global Trade Efficiency

Understanding FTZs: A Gateway to Global Trade Efficiency

Published on: March 22, 2024

A Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) as defined by the International Trade Association (ITA) is a “designated site licensed by the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board at which special customs procedures may be used.” In other words, an FTZ is a location where goods can be shipped, handled, manufactured, reconfigured, and re-exported without the involvement of customs […]

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