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Navigating Your Warehousing Needs: NEMA’s FAQ Guide

Navigating Your Warehousing Needs - NEMA's FAQ Guide

Finding the right warehousing solution is crucial for a smooth-running business. But with so many questions, where do you even begin?  This FAQ guide dives into NEMA’s warehousing services, addressing common concerns and highlighting the benefits we offer.   

Let’s unpack the key details to ensure your inventory is secure, organized, and readily available to meet your business needs. 

What is Warehousing? 

Warehousing is the process of securely storing and managing goods for businesses to ensure they are available when needed.  

How much space do you have? 

Our warehousing services aim to create the smoothest functioning of your logistics and supply chain management, offering our 152,000 square feet of secure, cost-effective, and efficient warehouse space to store your valuable goods and products.  

What industries do you specialize in? 

We specialize in paper machine clothing. Because of the unique set-up paper machine clothing takes, we have unique systems in place to manage other products that require similar care. 

Can I keep international storage at NEMA? 

Yes! We are a Customs and Border Protection-authorized container freight station and FTZ-designated warehouse. Our warehousing is an excellent fit if you are looking for global business transactions and deliveries. 

We understand customs compliance and how to help you maximize import-export savings. We maintain the only 3PL FTZ in Gwinnett County, Georgia, a location that allows easy access to the ports of Savannah and Charleston and keeps us free from mainline traffic.   

What specialty storage options are available? 

We handle oversized/ heavy, fragile, and high-value items (like specialized machinery). 

We do not handle items that are considered a dangerous good (lithium batteries, flammable materials) or items that need refrigeration.  

What kind of access will I have to your team? 

Experience our top-notch customer service with 24/7 availability. 

How is your warehouse cost-effective? 

Our warehousing space allows you to utilize your business’s space for manufacturing and other needs to make your business more profitable. In other words, you are able to delegate storage to NEMA while you focus on growing your business. 

Unlike traditional long-term warehouse leases that lock you into substantial financial commitments, NEMA offers flexible warehousing solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require short-term storage, seasonal overflow space, or long-term warehousing, we can accommodate your requirements without the burden of a lengthy lease agreement. 

In today’s economic climate, where warehousing costs are steadily rising, businesses are seeking more cost-effective alternatives. By partnering with NEMA, you can avoid the escalating expenses associated with leasing warehouse space and gain access to affordable, flexible storage solutions. 

How do you manage inventory? 

We utilize our own Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) with features like real-time inventory tracking to ensure accurate stock levels and efficient order fulfillment. This system is really effective for businesses that need specific types and sizes of products that need to be readily available for immediate delivery. 

How am I able to track my inventory at NEMA? 

We use an online program called Extensiv to allow you access to your inventory at any time.  

How secure is my inventory at NEMA? 

Your inventory is kept very secure in our warehouse facility. We keep track of all individuals who arrive at our facilities, ensuring only authorized individuals have access to your inventory.  

Do you use freight consolidation and deconsolidation? 

It’s one of our top benefits! We have an authorized container freight station to seamlessly handle your freight during export or import. 

Get Started With NEMA 

We understand that each customer is unique with specific warehousing requirements. We take the time to listen and tailor our solutions to meet your individual needs, ensuring a personalized approach that maximizes efficiency and meets your business goals. 

Contact us today to discuss how our wide range of warehousing services can benefit your business. 

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